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Temple Hair Extensions
Worried of your lost temples and suffering of your low densed scalp? Company has solutions for your problems in the form Temple hair which is offered in pocket friendly prices and is soft and shiny.
Indian Human Hair
Indian Human Hair are completely free from tangles and has non allergic surface along with being non itchy. These hair can be styled as per your convenience and can be availed in all sizes and colors.
Body Wave Human Hair
Virgin Hair are quiet versatile and are completely free from chemicals. The product is very Eco friendly and has hair ratio up to 50 %. The texture of the product is admired by all the users and adds to the demand.
Virgin Human Hair
100% Virgin Human Hair extensions offered by us are well known for their long lasting quality. Same directional cuticle position of this range of wigs prevents their tangling or shedding. These hair extensions are easy to restyle and care.
Wavy Hair Extension
Enabling your hair get a new look with the help of Hair Extensions. The product gives expected length to your hair and merges commendably well with your own hair adding to their volume.
Machine Weft Hair
Sewn and clubbed together with the most entrusted method with double or triple sewing, Machine Weft Hair are widely demanded for their performance. These are very easy to wear and take off.
Human Hair Wigs
Human Hair Wigs are popular for their texture and durability that is a result of their strong clubbed up line. The product enables is very easy to clean and maintain at home.
Human Hair
Human Hair acquires characteristic look and are conditioned and cleaned which plays a vital role in increasing their demand. These hair are strong and gives your scalp a large volume and density which is praised by the onlookers.
Clip In Extensions
Clip In Extensions are well known for their maintenance free quality. These are wonderful hair styling options for those who do not have much time to invest on hair styling activities. Easy to care, this array of hair extensions can be availed in different length based choices.
Curly Hair extensions
Curly Hair extensions offered by us are reliable options to bring noticeable change in ones look. Made of virgin human hair strands, this array of wigs can be availed in natural texture and different length based choices. We offer this array of hair extensions at reasonable price.
Cambodian Curly Hair Extensions
Cambodian Curly Hair Extensions are known for having distinctively coarse texture. Available in natural black color, these curly wigs are popular among fashion conscious women for their high hair density. Being knotting free, these wigs can be combed without causing hair fall.
Blond Virgin Hair
Blond Virgin Hair extensions can be availed in straight texture. Meant for wearing in any special occasion like evening party, this collection of wigs is meant for those who are not afraid of trying bold look. We offer this product range at reasonable price.
Lace Frontal
Lace frontal wigs are well known for their ease of application, shedding free quality and adhesive based fixing method. Made from genuine quality human hair strands, this array of hair extensions offer completely natural look to users. This product range is cost effective.
South Indian Hair
South Indian Hair extensions are well known for their tangle free quality. Produced from temple collected strands of human hair, this range of wigs is offered in different textures to choose from. These hair extensions are shedding free and have same directional cuticle position.
Machine Wefted human Hair
Machine Wefted human Hair extensions are basically wigs that have been sewn in by machine. Free from shedding, this collection of hair extensions is tangle free. These wigs have standard volume that offer completely natural look to users. Offered product range is cost effective.
Tape in extensions
Tape in extensions are made of strands of Oiginal human hair. The strands are attached with medical quality glue in pre taped form. This array of weft hair extensions last for maximum 2 months if proper care is taken.
Natural Wavy Indian Hair
Natural Wavy Indian Hair extensions offered by us are meant for fulfilling individuals hair styling needs. These tangle free and shedding protected hair extensions have been processed under controlled environment. Ease of caring and reasonable price are the other features of these hair extensions.
Full Lace Wig
This range of Full Lace Wigs is well known for its standard density, high strength of hair strands and ease of maintenance.  Made of original human hair strands, these wigs can be availed at reasonable rate from us.
Color Human Hair Extensions
Color Human Hair Extensions are popular among young ladies for their fashionable look, standard volume and long lasting quality. Made of genuine human hair strands that are temple collected or originally belong to Malaysia, this hair extension range is appreciated for its perfect fitting.
Natural Wavy Hair Extensions
Offering great bounce and are efficient in helping you attain all new look. The product has super strong strand and weaving means which en holds every single strand for along time duration, avoiding shedding of it.
Double Drawn human Hair
Double Drawn human Hair extensions are well known for high strength of their strands, long lasting quality and natural texture. Made of original human hair strands, this collection of wigs can be availed in various length based choices.
Indian Raw Hair Bundles
Indian Raw Hair Bundles are used for producing hair extensions of different texture. Processed under controlled temperature, this collection of hair bundles is completely free from harmful chemicals. Provided hair bundles can be availed at reasonable rate from us.

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